โทร :
86-15905996312อีเมล :
machine@hongancn.comIn January 2024, Shunhao Machine and Mold Factory successfully shipped 2 melamine tableware molding machines to a newly established tableware factory. The order included a 300-ton melamine crockery molding machine, a melamine crockery grinding machine with a dust collector, and a high frequency preheater. The Shunhao team took great care in packaging the machines for safe transportation.
Shunhao Factory has a strong commitment to supporting the growth of new tableware factories and providing comprehensive services. As a reliable and efficient solution provider, we are here to assist you in establishing your own melamine tableware factory.
For inquiries or if you are considering opening a new melamine tableware factory, please contact us using the following details:
Mobile: +86 15905996312 (Shelly Chen)